miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010

Happy 19 Birthday

Today, it's a big day. Today the best pepole in the world is havin' her birthday number 19! :O
OH! my god. All I ever wait for this day. And now is here. Ok!. I'm writin' in english, because I need accustom me. I know, you must think that I am desperate, it is because I am desperate. She's the BEST actress; and, I know the people say NO, but In my opinion, Yes.
She isn't so fuuny to the rest, but for me Yes. She has a touch inside her. What happens is that nobody achieves it to see
And, though they do not want to admit it, she, in addition, sings well, very well. Or only for me; I don't know, Cause, for me, a little detail of her is PERFECT (With every letter).
I do not consider myself to be the BIGGEST fan, The #1. But, undoubtedly, I am one of so many people. I THINK THAT. And I am not going to discuss it.
In addition, she's so PRETTY too. To speak about her clothes UFF!. And, maybe, she isn't a nice people, but for me she's a little bit shy, and she conceals a big part of if same. For that, I really like knows who is she, really. Under this mask, which she shows to the society. And only know a little part of her family.
I love the films, in that she appears. For example:
Panic Room, Speak, The Messengers, In The Land Of Women, Into The Wild, Twilight. A lot more. And I really want see the new film Adventurland, and see a flim that still she did not begin to do, K-11, With Nikki Reed, maybe you know for Twilight, she plays Rosalie Hale. In this movie she's in the Jail and she plays a Man :O. Like I said she is a big actress. And I love Her, She is the best. And I hope that she passes it very well on this day, Her day. In which she fulfills nineteen.

copia exacta de mi entrada del 9 de Abril de 2009. Wow. No me disgusta, pero al de este año te va a matar, va a ser tan profunda, ta real, tan mia, va a ser especial, porque sos una de las mejores cosas que tengo para admirar, tendria miles de cosas buenas de las que hablar de vos, la verdad es que teamo y te admiro como a nadie, sos mi idola y mi modelo a seguir, te amo.

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